My introduction to genealogy started in 1998 with the death of my mom. As my brother, sister and I was going thru mom's things they kept giving me photo's/paper's/eetc. and said take these home and see what they are. (my brother is 10 yrs. older/sister is 11 yrs. older than I am) and they knew my love for photography, plus I don't think they wanted to 'mess' with all this stuff.
After making several trips I finally had everything at my house. I started looking thru my 'newly aquired items' and found photo's / names, that I'd never seen or heard of. With my inquisitive mind, I just had to find out.
I knew my mom had been born in/or near Morrisonville, IL.
(Christian Co.) and moved to Piasa, IL.
(Macoupin Co.) at a young age. I thought that my grandfather was buried in the Morrisonville Cemetery, althoug h I wasn't sure, being only 11 at the time of his death. But, I just had to find out - so on a Saturday my wife and I headed out to find the Morrisonville Cemetery.
(I live in a small town about 20 miles away). Just driving around we finally found the Morrisonville Cemetery.
WOW, it was situated on a 'high' area of land with quite a few old trees in it, very well kept and I wopndered - Will I ever find anything.
After a coupl e of hours walking around, reading names, epitaph's, I finally spotted a fairly large stone with 'Strablow' on it! And there was this name 'Bertie' inscribed. (Never heard of that one). I Had found my grandfather/mother's gravestone - there was a wonderful feeling like I'd never felt before that came over me.
Then, walking around to the oth er side I found my great grandfather/mother's names and dates inscribed.
(to my knowledge I'd never heard of them.) And my great grandfather
was a 'Civil War' verteran! WOW, NEAT . . . what a find!

Well, this started my quest in genealogy and cemeteries. I can't tell you how many cemeteries I've walked, looking for that 'lost' relative, or someone else's. And now with the web postings being more and more prevalent I am extremely grateful to those who take time to post
and/or manage cemetery sites so that other's can benefit. Thanks to All -until next time - c