After making several trips I finally had everything at my house. I started looking thru my 'newly aquired items' and found photo's / names, that I'd never seen or heard of. With my inquisitive mind, I just had to find out.
I knew my mom had been born in/or near Morrisonville, IL. (Christian Co.) and moved to Piasa, IL. (Macoupin Co.) at a young age. I thought that my grandfather was buried in the Morrisonville Cemetery, althoug h I wasn't sure, being only 11 at the time of his death. But, I just had to find out - so on a Saturday my wife and I headed out to find the Morrisonville Cemetery. (I live in a small town about 20 miles away). Just driving around we finally found the Morrisonville Cemetery.
WOW, it was situated on a 'high' area of land with quite a few old trees in it, very well kept and I wopndered - Will I ever find anything.

After a coupl e of hours walking around, reading names, epitaph's, I finally spotted a fairly large stone with 'Strablow' on it! And there was this name 'Bertie' inscribed. (Never heard of that one). I Had found my grandfather/mother's gravestone - there was a wonderful feeling like I'd never felt before that came over me.
Then, walking around to the oth er side I found my great grandfather/mother's names and dates inscribed. (to my knowledge I'd never heard of them.) And my great grandfather was a 'Civil War' verteran! WOW, NEAT . . . what a find!
Well, this started my quest in genealogy and cemeteries. I can't tell you how many cemeteries I've walked, looking for that 'lost' relative, or someone else's. And now with the web postings being more and more prevalent I am extremely grateful to those who take time to post
What an awesome experience. This is what it's all about!
I did the same thing early on. Finding one stone and then finding other stones all over and just getting overwhelmed. Love it.
Enjoyed reading your story. Great that you found this stone!
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